D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Jungle

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
The jungle is a place of bright colours, hanging vines and thick canopy that often blocks the sun. Encounters might occur in a ruined temple or overgrown cliff and it is home to yuan-ti, tribal warriors and all kinds of reptiles.

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level: party size: terrain: sources: type:

At a stream feeding into a river and a few shiny-leafed cacao trees (by a field of mud)
They are studying something in the trees
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Possibly... they have an Arrow of Slaying - Beasts
Difficulty... 100 Easy


A group of bullywugs

2 Bullywugs (Monster Manual p.35) led by one named Emota the Wild
1 Giant Toad
1 Giant Frog

At a stream. There is a small monument with a decaying ring of mushrooms (nearby is a fresh spring)
They are are exploring the area
In a fight they attempt to use the terrain to attack with stealth
Possibly... they have a climber's kit
Difficulty... 700 Deadly

At a group of massive thorny trees (there is the bones of an owl)
They are being stalked by something
In a fight they attack whoever is causing them the most pain
Possibly... during the fight an innocent is attracted by the noise
Difficulty... 700 Deadly


1 Myconid Adult (Monster Manual p.232)
2 Myconid Sprouts (Monster Manual p.230)

At a stream and a statue (a storm is approaching)
They are studying something in the trees
In a fight they focus all their attention on anyone with religious icons
Difficulty... 120 Easy

At a group of ferns by a ruined tree house (nearby is a dirty garden)
They are are searching for food or sustenance
In a fight they run away as fast as they can if things go badly
Difficulty... 450 Deadly