Adventure Location - Forest

Short location for an encounter, ambush or distraction. Options for a possible interesting extra.
The woodlands are full of life, with greenery and beasts at every step. It is home to feral druids, cavorting fey, beast hunters and primordial creatures best left alone.

terrain: Terrain Type:

A reed-choked pool with many insects (close by is a sparkling river with a rocky island)
A beautiful waterfall (it is protected by a nearby druid)
An ivy-covered monastery (hail is falling)
A ford across a river (it is in the area of a hallow spell)
A quiet monument (which is associated with water magic)
A ford through a fish-filled river (there is writing here in Sylvan)
A drop down a foliage covered cliff (close by is a several hanging vines that can be used to swing over a pit)
A beast pen (nearby is a small clearing)
An old shrine to a forgotten power and a few enchanted hawthorn trees (close to a small clearing of shallow water)
A mound of logs (there is the corpse of a kobold)