5e D&D Combat Encounters - Swamp

Combat Encounters include creature groups, hazards and lone npcs. Maybe a lost lizardfolk, a forest fire or a talkative druid
The mists of the swamp hide many things, from the ruins of civilisations to shifting currents. Frogs and reptiles of all kind are found here, living alongside lizardfolk and snake-like abominations.

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At a waterfall in front of a cave-mouth. There is a sunken shrine to a power of dusk with a pool with many frogs (there are many large dead toads)
They are trying to find somewhere dry
In a fight they focus on smaller foes
Possibly... during the fight something isn't where it is supposed to be
Difficulty... 700 Deadly


A group of lizardfolk

3 Lizardfolk led by one named Tarag
1 Giant Lizard

At a copse of flooded maple saplings (the area is sacred to a power of harvest)
They are angry about something
In a fight they all attack the same foe
Possibly... during the fight an innocent is attracted by the noise
Difficulty... 700 Deadly


Druid(s) and allies

1 Druid named Mumed (half-orc)
1 Shrieker

At an area of fungi. There is a stunted tree with a bubbling pool with frequent mud geysers (there is an inscription here in Abyssal)
They are bearing symbols of a deity of life
In a fight they used ranged attacks and maintain their distance if possible
Possibly... they have 1d4 Potions of Water Breathing
Difficulty... 460 Deadly


3 Bullywugs (Monster Manual p.35)

At a sea of slow-moving mud (the area is associated with a magical will-o'-wisp)
They are practicing with a wind instrumment
In a fight they surrender if things go badly
Possibly... during the fight someone takes the fight to a new area (teleport / through a door / retreat)
Difficulty... 300 Hard


8 Kobolds led by one named Chogro the Betrayer

At a bubbling pool near a bubbling pool with frequent mud geysers (there are bog elemental tracks less than an hour old)
They are adapted to the water (swim speed and can breathe underwater)
In a fight they single out the foe that stands out most
Possibly... they have a Potion of Vitality
Difficulty... 500.0 Deadly

At an area of water-lilies (close by is an overgrown shrine protected by magic)
They are cursed
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Difficulty... 300 Hard

At an overgrown jetty by a pool covered with lily pads (close by is a fetid pool)
They are stirring a big cauldron
In a fight they quickly retreat and try attacking again from ambush
Possibly... they have
Difficulty... 700 Deadly

At an area of muddy palm trees (which is touched by fey magic)
They are swimming in the water
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Difficulty... 600 Deadly

At a hut raised from the water surrounded by heath (close to a field of edible parsnips)
They are gathering poisonous things
In a fight they focus on foes with ranged weapons
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At an area of reeds (close to a field of shallow water)
They are bearing symbols of a deity of the swamp
In a fight they used ranged attacks and maintain their distance if possible
Possibly... they have a Staff of Swarming Insects
Difficulty... 450 Deadly