D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Swamp

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
The mists of the swamp hide many things, from the ruins of civilisations to shifting currents. Frogs and reptiles of all kind are found here, living alongside lizardfolk and snake-like abominations.

tools for - dnd5e encounters swamp

level: party size: terrain: sources: type:


A pack of rats

4 Giant Rats
5 Rats

At a desolate tower (sleet is falling)
They are hiding from a threat
In a fight they attempt to use the terrain to attack with stealth
Possibly... they have a pair of Eyes of Charming
Difficulty... 300 Hard

At a group of ferns surrounded by heath (heavy rain is falling)
They are training a beast
In a fight they focus all their attention on a particular race
Possibly... they have a Staff of the Python
Difficulty... 300.0 Hard


2 Swarms of Wasps (Monster Manual p.338)

At a vent of flammable marsh gas near a muddy pool with something shiny (by a field of roots and leaves)
They are following a light
In a fight they attack whoever is nearest
Possibly... they have a bronze cauldron with decorations depicting an army attacking a castle. It has a large ornate ladle attached by a chain (250 gp)
Difficulty... 300.0 Hard

At a jetty with several old boats tied to it (nearby is a crossing of unstable stepping stones over a fish-filled stream)
They are harassed by insects
In a fight they single out any obvious spellcaster
Possibly... they have a pair of Bracers of Archery
Difficulty... 300 Hard

At an ivy-covered wooden walkway (there is a diseased crocodile corpse)
They are covered in leeches
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Possibly... they have a poisoner's kit
Difficulty... 200 Medium