D&D Notable Location - Swamp

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
The mists of the swamp hide many things, from the ruins of civilisations to shifting currents. Frogs and reptiles of all kind are found here, living alongside lizardfolk and snake-like abominations.

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An unusual glade. has the burial site of an infamous guildmaster.
Wood of Inn is a dismal lake. It is at the top of a hill.
Warlock's Lament. On an island of yellow grasses, a few trees entwine into the form of a woman, who curses any who meet her gaze. A rare plant with magical properties grows here.
A cursed ferry. It is at a crossroads. was the site of a legendary battle - demons won against lizardfolk and nothing grows in the area.
A barren island is full of charred bones. Vents of marsh gas come from the bog around it. Flickering lights float around the area.
Quarion's Dale is a set of rapids. It is at a crossroads. It has a festival that occurs every solstice.
Elemental's Marsh is a sinister academy. It is at a crossroads. It is where a dazzling dress was crafted by a greedy demon.
Hellhound's Forest is a clearing. It is in a field. It is associated with a powerful will-o'-wisp.
Ruins of Wysend is an unusual ruins. It is associated with hippos. It is protected by a spirit. is the birthplace of a stylish dragon.
A lake of shifting mud roils, forming into monstrous shapes that then collapse. Glowing sludge emerges from a cliff into the mud.