Adventure Location - Underdark

Short location for an encounter, ambush or distraction. Options for a possible interesting extra.
The Underdark is a place of twisting tunnels, constant darkness and strange magic. Encounters might occur in a forest of fungi, amid giant stalactites or by the side of a gaping chasm. It is a place of elemental earth and gates to far realms. Home to fungi creatures, the dark elves and aberrations from the Far Realms.

terrain: Terrain Type:

A ford through a river (nearby is a crystal pillar)
A pool with a patch of phosphorescent edible moss and a pillar of glittering volcanic glass (there is plentiful ear-like edible fungi)
A decorated set of stone steps (which is associated with rothe)
A rope bridge over a dusty chasm (it is in the area of a forbiddance spell)
A pool with a patch of red vegetation near a shallow depression (nearby is a rune-covered granite slab)
An area of lichen (the area is associated with insects)
A patch of explosive black and green rotting fungi surrounded by stone (a rockfall could easily happen)
A tunnel-ridden cave with large stalactites (close to a high cave covered with inscriptions)
A patch of phosphorescent edible mushrooms and a pool with something shiny (nearby is a strange bridge across a river)
A wide trench and a patch of mold (there is a foul stench)