D&D Notable Location - Underdark

A location that is known locally or further afield, as a landmark, place of history, magical danger or otherwise noteworthy.
The Underdark is a place of twisting tunnels, constant darkness and strange magic. Encounters might occur in a forest of fungi, amid giant stalactites or by the side of a gaping chasm. It is a place of elemental earth and gates to far realms. Home to fungi creatures, the dark elves and aberrations from the Far Realms.


The Arena of Mystery is an exposed cave with large stalactites. It is a dead magic zone (similar to an antimagic field).
Sandy Dale is a copse. was for a wedding by a greedy dragon a few years ago.
A glittering ruins. It has a programmed illusion involving eyes crying blood. has the burial site of the brown knight.
At the bottom of a wide pit rocks creak and shift. Occasionally geysers scatter stones and metal chunks through the area.
Magic courses through these crystal caves. Spells cast resonate loudly and attract psionic entities. The Astral plane overlaps here.
Glen of Saviours is an arcane canyon. It is at the edge of a lake. It is cursed by a fairy godmother.
An enchanted Chambers. It borders the upper planes.
The Shrine of the Ruinous Twins is an area of carved rooms. It is the subject of a poem.
Ruins of Belgarden is a ruins. It is at the top of a hill. It has a concentration of powerful shadow magic.
An elven wood. It is inhabited ghosts and spirits. was a place of executions.