D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Arctic

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
Encounters in arctic terrain occur in icy tundra, tall glaciers and snowy peaks. They might occur outside an igloo, on an iced over lake or in a winter blizzard

tools for - dnd5e encounters arctic

level: party size: terrain: sources: type:

At a grove of carved saplings (by a glacial valley)
They are getting ready for hibernation
In a fight they quickly retreat and try attacking again from ambush
Possibly... during the fight enemy reinforcements arrive
Difficulty... 450 Deadly


A group of kobolds

3 Kobolds
1 Giant Poisonous Snake

At a slide made of ice (close to an unusual bridge over a clear stream)
They are sheltering from dangerous weather
In a fight they combine ranged attacks at the most dangerous warrior
Possibly... they have an Arctic Bag of Tricks (1d8 - 1. owl; 2. mastiff 3. blood hawk 4. elk; 5. axe beak; 6. wolf; 7. giant owl ; 8. polar bear)
Difficulty... 250 Medium


7 Kobolds led by one named Geddag the Snake

At a slippery slope of snow with a cliff below. There is a part-buried cave entrance with an a snow ditch beside a wall of heaped snow (snow is falling )
They are hiding from a nearby threat
In a fight they avoid the foes with least armor
Possibly... they have a Potion of Cold Resistance
Difficulty... 437.5 Deadly

At an icy pool and a few big icicles (the area is covered with sludgy snow)
They are hiding in the snow
In a fight they focus on anyone with religious icons
Possibly... they have a Ring of Water Walking
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At a sheet of ice with a fissure running through it (it is desecrated ground)
They are sheltering from dangerous weather
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Difficulty... 200 Medium