Adventure Location - Arctic

Short location for an encounter, ambush or distraction. Options for a possible interesting extra.
Encounters in arctic terrain occur in icy tundra, tall glaciers and snowy peaks. They might occur outside an igloo, on an iced over lake or in a winter blizzard

terrain: Terrain Type:

A wide cave entrance surrounded by exposed rock (close by is an arch of ice)
An arch of ice surrounded by permafrost (nearby is a group of carved birch saplingdamaged saplings)
A blue stream surrounded by dust (near a decorated aqueduct)
A wide hollow surrounded by exposed rock (a blizzard is starting)
A field of permafrost (the area is covered with virgin snow)
A stone walkway (hail is falling )
A part-buried ice sculpture by a fur-lined tent (large hailstones are falling)
An area of permafrost (the area is disguised by a hallucinatory terrain)
An icy waterfall in front of a cave-mouth. There is an overgrown wooden lodge with a mound of virgin snow (it is snowing)
A narrow stream near an ice arch with icicles hanging from it (by a group of life-size stone reindeer statues)