5e D&D Combat Encounters - Arctic

Combat Encounters include creature groups, hazards and lone npcs. Maybe a lost lizardfolk, a forest fire or a talkative druid
Encounters in arctic terrain occur in icy tundra, tall glaciers and snowy peaks. They might occur outside an igloo, on an iced over lake or in a winter blizzard

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level: party size: terrain: sources: type:


Druid(s) and allies

1 Druid named Bunadin (dwarf)
1 Giant Owl

At a broken snow-capped cliff (near a ferry over a shallow river)
They are are following someone
In a fight they use ranged attacks on the nearest foe
Possibly... they have 1d6 onyx stones which glow faintly when it is snowing. (100 gp each)
Difficulty... 750.0 Deadly

At a pool of thin ice surrounded by permafrost (close by is a slide made of ice)
They are hiding in the snow
In a fight they use ranged attacks on the nearest foe
Possibly... they have 2d4 tents
Difficulty... 700 Deadly

At a snow-covered valley and a shallow hollow (nearby is a fine sleigh)
They are getting ready for hibernation
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At a mound ofold furs near a column of ice (nearby is a pool with a layer of thin ice)
They are investigating a half-buried abandoned hut
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Possibly... they have
Difficulty... 600 Deadly


A group of kobolds

5 Kobolds
1 Winged Kobold (Monster Manual p.195)
1 Giant Centipede

At a steps carved from ice near a weathered rock (the sky is filled with an aurora)
They are hiding from something
In a fight they use ranged attacks on the nearest foe
Possibly... during the fight a demon is summoned by the next spell
Difficulty... 562.5 Deadly

At a blocked cave entrance near a hidden pit trap disguised by hides and a layer of snow (an avalanche of ice is ending)
They are hunting
In a fight they use ranged attacks and try to keep in cover
Possibly... they have a Cap of Water Breathing
Difficulty... 300.0 Hard


A group of warriors

5 Tribal Warriors led by one named Tan Chi (human)
2 Bandits

At a large reed-filled pool fed by a spring (which is associated with the Feywild)
They are on a sleigh
In a fight they all attack the same foe
Possibly... they have 1d6 bullseye lanterns and 2d6 oil flasks
Difficulty... 437.5 Deadly

At an area of permafrost. There is a patch of overgrown foliage with a blocked cave entrance (there is a simple hut with a door that's frozen shut)
They are being stalked by something
In a fight they attack whoever looks most dangerous
Possibly... they have 1d6 bullseye lanterns and 2d6 oil flasks
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At a pile of bones and snow (there is a pile of bones)
They are making snow figures
In a fight they focus all their attention on the most heavily armored foes
Possibly... they have a Gem of Brightness
Difficulty... 700 Deadly


A group of sylvan creatures

2 Giant Owls
1 Dryad

At a large ice cap and a column of jagged ice (there is risk of an avalanche)
They are consuming lichen
In a fight they single out the largest foe
Possibly... they have an Arctic Bag of Tricks (1d8 - 1. owl; 2. mastiff 3. blood hawk 4. elk; 5. axe beak; 6. wolf; 7. giant owl ; 8. polar bear)
Difficulty... 600 Deadly