5e D&D Combat Encounters - Shadowfell

Combat Encounters include creature groups, hazards and lone npcs. Maybe a lost lizardfolk, a forest fire or a talkative druid
The Shadowfell is a pale reflection of the world, a place of shifting shadows, twisted crystal trees, crumbling ruins and foul rivers. Meet cursed spirits, doomed cultists, hordes of undead and servants of the Raven Queen.

level: party size: terrain: sources: type:


A group of blights

3 Vine Blights (Monster Manual p.32)
1 Needle Blight (Monster Manual p.32)

At a waterfall of glowing sludge and a patch of yellow berries (close by is a polluted brook)
They are playing with a pile of bones
In a fight they used ranged attacks and maintain their distance if possible
Possibly... during the fight someone receives a magical message
Difficulty... 700 Deadly

At an area of pus and ichor (nearby is the fresh corpse of a beast)
They are close to death
In a fight they focus on a particular race
Possibly... they have a Potion of Clairvoyance
Difficulty... 300 Hard


A group of the same faith

1 Priest named Valanthe (female half-elf)
1 Acolyte

At a pair of freshly dug holes with coffins beside them (by a muddy river with a rocky island)
They are hiding from a nearby light source
In a fight they try to attack from ambush
Possibly... they have a Lantern of Revealing
Difficulty... 750.0 Deadly

At a crystal hill. There is a wide trench with a spiked metal railing (there is the skull of a giant fire beetle)
They are cursed
In a fight they run and hide if things go badly
Possibly... they have a Bead of Force
Difficulty... 100 Easy

At a high cliff (it is associated with a magical dryad)
They are hiding from a nearby light source
In a fight they attack at random
Possibly... they have a Sword of Vengeance (cursed)
Difficulty... 150.0 Easy

At an abandoned stone hut with no roof and a patch of bright flowers (there is a grave with markings in Orcish)
They are exploring a secret entrance
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Possibly... they have Spell Scroll of magic circle
Difficulty... 600 Deadly


1 Githyanki Warrior (Monster Manual p.160)

At a stone steps leading up a cliff (there are dark elf tracks that look recent)
They are collecting from a water source
In a fight they attempt to use the terrain to attack with stealth
Possibly... they have a Potion of Mind Reading
Difficulty... 700 Deadly


1 Will-o'-wisp named Werok the Thief

At a gloomy circle of standing stones. There is a patch of quicksand with a patch of vines (hailstones are falling, with bones mixed in)
They are cursed
In a fight they act as if something else is guiding them - they prefer to capture their foes
Difficulty... 450 Deadly


A group of blights

4 Twig Blights (Monster Manual p.32)
1 Vine Blight (Monster Manual p.32)
1 Needle Blight (Monster Manual p.32)

At a bronze bridge over a stream. There is a patch of quicksand with an unlit campfire (there are large claw marks)
They are telepathic
In a fight they use ranged attacks on the nearest foe
Possibly... they have
Difficulty... 500 Deadly

At a few cultivated shrubs near a patch of black plants (there are chunks of crystal)
They are cursed
In a fight they attack whoever is nearest
Difficulty... 450 Deadly