Adventure Location - Shadowfell

Short location for an encounter, ambush or distraction. Options for a possible interesting extra.
The Shadowfell is a pale reflection of the world, a place of shifting shadows, twisted crystal trees, crumbling ruins and foul rivers. Meet cursed spirits, doomed cultists, hordes of undead and servants of the Raven Queen.

terrain: Terrain Type:

An area of vine-covered trees (nearby is a patch of quicksand)
A desolate temple of a power of trickery atop a crumbling cliff (close by is a body hanging from a tree)
A walkway of stepping stones over a foul river (which is associated with a mysterious githzerai)
A desolate shrine to a power of darkness surrounded by crystal (there is an inscription here in Giant)
An orchard of dying fruit trees (which is associated with a magical ettercap)
A pile of skulls surrounded by long grass (near a rugged trail)
A wrecked shack by a pair of insect-covered trees entwined (close by is a hidden shrine to a forgotten power)
A forest of damaged black shiny moss (webbing covers the area)
An area of rubble (it is touched by dangerous magic)
A small pond near an area of jagged broken glass (close by is a patch of edible bracken)