D&D Random Encounters for 5E - Shadowfell

Encounters might be a meeting with a patrol of guards at an old shrine or a familiar looking for aid. It might be an ambush in the wilderness, a stand-off in the city or a monster in the Underdark.
The Shadowfell is a pale reflection of the world, a place of shifting shadows, twisted crystal trees, crumbling ruins and foul rivers. Meet cursed spirits, doomed cultists, hordes of undead and servants of the Raven Queen.

level: party size: terrain: sources: type:


1 Will-o'-wisp named Doomeye

At a bridge made of chains. There is a cage with a local with a stinking stream (poisonous insects cover the area)
They are hiding from a nearby light source
In a fight they attack whoever is nearest
Possibly... they have a clockwork black coach with by tiny ghostly horses (150 gp)
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At a narrow chasm (it is touched by shadow magic)
They are marked by a death deity
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Possibly... during the fight an innocent is attracted by the noise
Difficulty... 600 Deadly


A group of undead

3 Zombies
1 Crawling Claw (Monster Manual p.44)

At a slow stream fed by a spring (fireflies are in the area, glowing yellow)
They are exploring a secret entrance
In a fight they fight to the bitter end
Possibly... during the fight liquid spills from somewhere
Difficulty... 320 Hard

At a geyser of putrid ichor by a geyser of glowing sewage (there is writing here in Gnomish)
They are hiding from a nearby light source
In a fight they quickly retreat and try attacking again from ambush
Possibly... they have a Potion of Poison
Difficulty... 450 Deadly

At a barren mountain (webbing covers the area)
They are near their lair
In a fight they attempt hit and run tactics
Difficulty... 600 Deadly